Let's put your < IMAGINATION > on a Webpage!
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Hi, I am Traniel Pride

I'm a Computer Information Systems graduate from Wayland Baptist University. I truly enjoy coding. I have a big imagination so to be able to put it online is amazing. There is so much you can do with technology. I want to learn all I can in the tech industry. Plus I love coding...

DataAnalyst SkillSet: SQL, Excel, Tableau, Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib

SoftwareDeveloper SkillSet: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, React, Vue, Nodejs, Django, Flask

I enjoy anime a little to much (If there is such a thing). Kakashi is one of my favorite anime characters so I use it as my alias while playing video games. I have joined many different groups on discord as kakashi_sensei#8333; Add Me

Data Analyst Portfolio
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Hello, From




Vue is a Javascript Framework. To see more information please check out the documentation by clikcing the link below

< VUE Docs >

VueChat App

Vue Chat is a simple chat application which uses firebase for the backend. You can create an account and say hello to the chatroom. Hope to see you there. I will check from time to time and erase all the bad things. Authentication Included

< VueChat App >


Ninja Flex is a project which includes Firebase as the backend while Vue is the frontend. It is a small applications in which you can create a note which has tags you can include for workouts. you can click on the tags when you complete that specific workout. Authentication Included

< NinjaFlex App >


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Please see link below for Django Docs

< Django Docs >

DjangoTodo App

Django Todo App created with templates and authentication. Able to check complete and it has CRUD capabilities

< DjangoTodo App >

DjangoBook App

DJANGO Book App is an app that allows you to store data on your favorite books. You can even write reviews on what you thought about the book you read. It has authentication as well. Thanks

< DjangoBook App >


React is a Javascript Library which allows you to create user interfaces just like Vue. React is the most popular JS Library. Please see below for the link to the React Docs

< React Docs >

MERN - Snippets

Save code snippets using MERN Stack app. This is a fullstack app using MongoDB, Express, React, and Nodejs. If you are coding and need to remember something just copy and paste it in the snippet manager NOTE: server is slow to start please allow 15 seconds in order to log in. thanks

< Snippets >

Magic Cards

React magic cards is a matching card game. You are able to restart the game whenever you want. Looking at the cool cards are also a delight.

< MagicCard game >
